Daniela Doncel
Latino Communities ReporterDaniela Doncel is a Colombian American journalist who joined ϳԹ in November 2024. Through her reporting, Daniela strives to showcase the diversity of the Hispanic/Latino communities in ϳԹ. Her interests range from covering complex topics such as immigration to highlighting the beauty of Hispanic/Latino arts and culture.
At the core of her reporting is one question: ¿quiénes somos? Who are we? ϳԹ is home to Hispanics/Latinos from all over the world, representing various countries. Daniela aims to get a full picture of that diversity and demonstrate the impact the communities have on the state.
Daniela has a Bachelor of Arts in journalism from the University of ϳԹ and a Master of Fine Arts in creative writing from Arcadia University in Pennsylvania. She worked as the news director at UConn’s WHUS Radio and as a general assignment field reporter and anchor at WTIC NewsTalk 1080.
When she’s not out reporting, Daniela enjoys writing fictional stories, hiking ϳԹ’s scenic trails and reading while snuggled up with her Yorkshire Terrier, Meela.
Have a story to share? She can be reached at ddoncel@ctpublic.org.
State Representatives highlight legislation that would help close CT wage gap.
Democratic Congresswoman Jahana Hayes and U.S. Sen. Richard Blumenthal condemned efforts to close the federal Education Department for its impact on school children in need.
A bill to establish trade commission between ϳԹ and Puerto Rico passed unanimously through the commerce committee.
Una gran cantidad de activistas inundó el Edificio de Oficinas Legislativas en Hartford el miércoles por la mañana, portando carteles y camisetas azul celeste que expresaban un mensaje claro: “Strengthen the Trust Act Now” [Refuercen la Ley Trust ahora].
Immigrant advocates call on lawmakers to make the law even stronger with amendments to proposed bill, while Republicans seek to roll back the current law.
Crisol and Grupo Quetzal award six women for work in uplifting Stamford community.
Las rápidas acciones de la administración Trump para detener y deportar a inmigrantes indocumentados han generado preocupación en los amigos y colegas de Arlene Angel. Es un miedo con el que está demasiado familiarizada, que le recuerda el día en que alguien tocó a su puerta de manera inesperada y ella tuvo que huir.
Lo que comenzó como un grupo de padres en Danbury abogando por la equidad educativa para sus hijos se ha convertido en una organización sin fines de lucro que este pasado fin de semana inauguró su sexto centro comunitario en New Britain.
Zaccai Curtis es un pianista y compositor de Hartford que ganó su primer Grammy por Mejor Álbum de Jazz Latino por su último álbum "Cubop Lives!". Es graduado de la Greater Hartford Academy of the Arts y profesor de la Universidad de Hartford.
The comedy embraces the cultures and universal experiences of bilingual Latinos in the U.S.