Children's programming has evolved significantly since Sesame Street first debuted on PBS in 1969. This week on Disrupted, we revisit our conversation with actor Sonia Manzano, who played Maria on Sesame Street for more than 40 years. And we talk to a child psychologist who consulted on the creation of kids shows like and .
- Sonia Manzano: Actress, best known for work as Maria on Sesame Street. She’s also the creator of the animated kids show and author of the book .
- Daniel R. Anderson: Professor Emeritus of Psychology at the University of Massachusetts Amherst and a former consultant for Nickelodeon and Sesame Workshop
Disrupted is produced by J. Carlisle Larsen, Kevin Chang Barnum, and Catie Talarski.
This episode of Disrupted was produced by James Szkobel-Wolff and Zshekinah Collier.